The durable, medium-sized Field Spaniel canine variety was initially evolved to recover game from land or water. Today, while they hold their brilliant hunting abilities, they're fundamentally family associates and show canines and are seldom found in the field.

These canines love individuals and are faithful family companions. In any case, they don't fair also in lofts because of their high energy and exercise needs. Assuming you conclude this is an ideal variety for you, ensure your canine has a lot of room to run and play, and stay aware of everyday strolls!

DogTime prescribes this canine bed to give a decent night's rest to your medium-sized Field Spaniel. You ought to likewise get this canine water bottle for any outside experiences you have with your puppy!

Field Spaniel Highlights
Breed Size Medium
Nature Gentle, Friendly, Playful, Outgoing, Willful
Energy Level Active
Intelligence High
Barking Level When Necessary
Coat Length Short
Breed Group Working
Droll Amount Low
Good with Familes, Children, Dog
Feed Level Medium, High
Colour Type Black, liver, golden, tan points or white markings
Other Facts Easy to groom, easy to train, easy to kept at home, loves playing, very energetic in many situations and so on.

Dog History

The Field Spaniel was created in England in the last 50% of the nineteenth century to be a medium-sized, all-dark canine, which was strange at the time as most trackers favored canines with some white so they could be handily found in the field. The Field Spaniel was made while canine shows were becoming famous and is viewed as the main spaniel produced for adaptation appearing while simultaneously holding his amazing abilities in the field.

Until 1901, spaniels were isolated by weight, so on the off chance that one little dog in a litter developed to be in excess of 25 pounds, he was known as a Field Spaniel. On the off chance that he weighed under 25 pounds, he was named a Cocker Spaniel.

The variety began as a famous canine, however through some not-really effective cross-rearing, fanciers transformed him into a canine that was longer than he was tall, with short legs, a huge head, and an excess of coat. That didn't make for an excellent or extremely appealing hunting canine, and the public communicated its disappointment. The Field Spaniel's fame reached as far down as possible. Luckily, a man named Mortimer Smith put forth the attempt to bring back the Field Spaniel's practical great looks.

The AKC enrolled its first Field Spaniel, Colehill Rufus, in 1894, however when a fire obliterated a significant pet hotel in 1909, the variety basically vanished in the United States. The last enrollment of a Field Spaniel happened in 1930. The following importation of Field Spaniels happened in 1967, and those three canines alongside ensuing imports are the premise of the variety today. Notwithstanding his fine characteristics, he stays an intriguing variety contrasted with different spaniels.


14-18 inch


18-25 kg

Life Span

13-15 year

Health and Care

Field Spaniels are for the most part solid, however like all varieties, they're inclined to specific medical issue. Not all Field Spaniels will get any or these sicknesses, however it's essential to know about them assuming that you're thinking about this variety.

Assuming that you're purchasing a little dog, observe a decent raiser who will show you wellbeing clearances for both your pup's folks. Wellbeing clearances demonstrate that a canine has been tried for and gotten free from a specific condition. In Field Spaniels, you ought to hope to see wellbeing clearances from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for hip dysplasia (with a score of fair or better), elbow dysplasia, hypothyroidism, and von Willebrand's illness; from Auburn University for thrombopathia; and from the Canine Eye Registry Foundation (CERF) confirming that eyes are ordinary.

  • Ear Infections
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Allergies
  • Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
  • Cataracts
  • Epilepsy
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)


Respectably dynamic inside, Field Spaniels aren't suggested for loft or condominium living. They in all actuality do best with an enormous yard to run in. With their solid hunting senses, it's best that they have a safely fenced yard so they don't stray into inconvenience.

Locking this breed away in a pet hotel or binding him in the yard with negligible human contact will make him psychotic. He truly does best whenever given a lot of activity with opportunities to run and investigate. Simply know that he tends to follow his nose. He will likewise appreciate long strolls on chain.

Dog Breed Care Tips and Important Instructions

Because of their long history as donning canines, Field spaniels need heaps of active work to remove their energy. Proprietors ought to get ready for everyday work-out alongside standard prepping. With regards to preparing, these insightful canines are anxious to please and advance rapidly.

Work out

Field spaniels are dynamic, high-energy canines that need a few hours of work-out consistently. Regular strolls, runs, and swims are incredible ways for proprietors to keep these canines dynamic, however games that challenge their brains can likewise keep them intellectually animated.

Consider helping your canine to get, utilizing puzzle toys, and messing around like find the stowaway (either to track down treats or relatives around the house). Make sure to continuously keep your Field spaniel in an encased, fenced-in region while playing outside the present spaniels hold their drive to chase, and they might take off to pursue little creatures.


Notwithstanding the Field spaniel's long, thick coat, its prepping needs are generally low-support contrasted with different spaniels. This breed ought to be brushed regularly and washed on a case by case basis. Assuming your canine creates bunches, tangles, or mats, tenderly eliminate them with your fingers and brush them out with a pin brush. For particularly extreme knot, have a go at spritzing your canine's jacket with a delicate leave-in conditioner splash.

Like all varieties, the Field spaniel's teeth ought to be cleaned consistently. Everyday brushing is great, yet a couple of times each week can in any case assist with safeguarding their teeth and gums from oral sickness and plaque development. Dental bites are fine with some restraint, yet ought not be the main technique for dental consideration.

Really look at your canine's ears week by week for develop and flotsam and jetsam. Canines with floppy ears are particularly inclined to ear contaminations. Clean your canine's ears on a case by case basis with a pet-safe ear cleaner and a cotton ball. Try not to utilize q-tips, which can harm the sensitive internal ear structure.

The Field spaniel is normally simple to prepare, and fundamental submission illustrations can start when young doggies are around two months old. Like most varieties, these canines answer best to encouraging feedback preparing techniques. Reward your canine with treats, friendship, and recess when it performs advantageous ways of behaving. Keep away from techniques that include discipline, as they can be unsafe to a canine's touchy character and lead it to oppose preparing or become terrified of its proprietors.

Since Field spaniels are so athletic, they likewise dominate in canine games like spryness preparing and compliance rivalries. Progressed preparing for these exercises will keep your canine's brain invigorated and can go on all through its life.


Suggested day to day sum: 1.5 to 2 cups of excellent dry food daily, separated into two suppers.

How much your grown-up canine eats relies upon his size, age, fabricate, digestion, and movement level. Canines are people, very much like individuals, and they don't all require a similar measure of food. It nearly should be obvious that an exceptionally dynamic canine will require in excess of a habitual slouch canine. The nature of canine food you purchase likewise has an effect - the better the canine food, the further it will go toward feeding your canine and the less of it you'll have to shake into your canine's bowl.

Keep your Field Spaniel looking great by estimating his food and taking care of him two times per day as opposed to leaving food out constantly. Assuming you're uncertain whether he's overweight, give him the eye test and the active test.

To begin with, peer down at him. You ought to have the option to see an abdomen. Then, at that point, put your hands on his back, thumbs along the spine, with the fingers spread descending. You ought to have the option to feel yet not see his ribs without squeezing hard. On the off chance that you can't, he wants not so much food but rather more activity.

Fun Facts

Field Spaniels are not difficult to prepare. They figure out the relationship among orders and activities rapidly.

The Field Spaniel is an exceptionally lively variety. Invigorated woofing and some of the time nipping will make you aware of play.

They are somewhat more delicate than other canine varieties. Delicate discipline influences them inwardly. Field Spaniels don't endure unpredictable day to day daily schedule, loud family and successive visitor visits all around well. They are open to their proprietor's feelings and make great family associates.

Field Spaniels are truly steadfast, delicate and delicate, cherishing and loving canines toward their overseers. They appreciate quality time with their proprietors regardless of the movement and considered as an incredible treatment canine for those out of luck. This breed answers firmly to their overseer's feelings since they bond intently. Their bliss is your satisfaction.

Field Spaniels are a social variety. They appreciate being around individuals or different creatures. This breed doesn't endure being left alone.

The Field Spaniel seldom barks. This breed could be a decent decision in the event that you're searching for a peaceful variety. They don't bark except if there is a valid justification. Top explanations behind yelping: insurance, caution, dread, weariness, consideration chasing, welcoming, fear of abandonment, urgent woofing.

Home Training Tips and General Information

A Field Spaniel can be latrine prepared at whatever stage in life, however the absolute best age to start is somewhere in the range of eight and 12 weeks old. Assuming you laid out a housebreaking normal as fast as you bring your Field Spaniel little dog home, in the end he will find out about where to do his association. A canine case is an incredible instrument for potty preparation a Field Spaniel pup. It keeps him confined when there is no oversight and most of canines realize rapidly that assuming they go in their canine box they should sit in it. Many Field Spaniels are generally clean and won't enjoy sitting in canine doody or pee.

Verify there adequate room in the canine box for your little guy to pivot, but don't leave sufficient space that he will can proceed to rests far away from it. Various Field Spaniel proprietors view an enclosure as a prison cell or to use as discipline, but your Field Spaniel will appreciate having his own region where he can leave from the hurrying around of the family for some tranquil time. Make your Field Spaniel's case a brilliant spot and don't involve it for discipline. You can take care of your Field Spaniel in the canine case, or while he stays in there, give him a few treats. Set a favored chewy or toy in there with him, add covers and he will have an agreeable lair to escape to at whatever point he wants to. Involving a carton for your Field Spaniel can keep him in the clear and not just in house-breaking.

Watching out for your Field Spaniel little dog is a pivotal fundamental in getting him appropriately housetrained. At the point when you see that he is smelling, revolving around or starting to crouch, take him outside to the spot where you want him to take a brief trip and check whether he utilizes it. On the off chance that he does, recognize him intensely. An extraordinary thought is to have a signal, for example, "rush" with the goal that your Field Spaniel doggy comprehends what you want him to do. At the point when he is going to the washroom rehash the signal and afterward give your Field Spaniel extraordinary arrangements of appreciation for an undertaking great. It is vastly improved to take the Field Spaniel out and literally nothing happens then bet of an incident occurring.

Taking care of, watering and strolling your Field Spaniel on a normal timetable will make house-preparing that a lot more straightforward. Pups are like children and they blossom with an everyday practice. Attempt and take the canine out around exactly the same time day to day so they will actually want to adjust their actual necessities. The primary thing you should do in the first part of the day is take the Field Spaniel pup from the box and don't allow his feet to contact the ground. Carry him to the spot where you want him to go, give the signal, and acclaim upon a successful end. Take your Field Spaniel little dog out at least like clockwork, subsequent to eating or drinking and explicitly after play. In no time, your Field Spaniel little dog will tell you the time has come to take off and do his business.

There will be times when you at first beginning housetraining that you feel your Field Spaniel pup is definitely not getting it. He might have mishaps in your home likewise now and again. There is compelling reason should be deterred. In the event that you adhere to your daily practice, watch out for the canine and make continuous excursions to his open air restroom, instantly your Field Spaniel pup will be housebroken. Another extraordinary idea is to use exactly the same entryway all when you are taking him out with the goal that when he really wants to go, he will scratch on the way to be released. When this occurs, you can say yippee and comprehend that your Field Spaniel pup really is starting to comprehend that going to the restroom in your home is a no-no.


What is the distinction between a Field Spaniel and a functioning cocker?

Cocker Spaniels are more modest than Field Spaniels, commonly weigh somewhere in the range of 20 and 30 pounds contrasted with 35 to 50 pounds that Field Spaniels for the most part gauge. Cocker Spaniels have a somewhat longer life expectancy at 12 to 15 years contrasted with the 11 to 13 years of a Field Spaniel.

What are the attributes of a spaniel?

As a rule, spaniels are known for being insightful, faithful, respectful, and loving. They will quite often be inclined to fearing abandonment whenever left all alone to an extreme.

What is a field cocker spaniel?

The tough, medium-sized Field Spaniel canine variety was initially evolved to recover game from land or water. Today, while they hold their fantastic hunting abilities, they're predominantly family partners and show canines and are seldom found in the field. These canines love individuals and are faithful family companions.

How lengthy would a cocker spaniel be able to be left alone?

Cocker Spaniels are known for enduring with fearing abandonment, so it's ideal to have somebody with them during the day. It's vital that your Cocker is never left alone for over four hours, however even this might be a lot for your canine to deal with.

Do handle spaniels shed a great deal?

To keep their satiny coat liberated from mats, Field Spaniels require normal brushing and brushing. Likewise cutting and managing at regular intervals. Shedding. Field Spaniels shed an extensive sum.

Do Spaniels bark a great deal?

Cocker Spaniels can be nervous, vocal canines, so your Cocker Spaniel is especially inclined to foster a propensity for yapping at conveyance individuals. The explanation this conduct can be hard to kill is that the way of behaving is self-fulfilling.

Field Spaniel Unique Name

Male Name Female Name
Blaze Ariel
Butch Chance
Chip Daphne
Colby Darla
Diesel Darlene
Evan Foxy
Flash Goldie
Gage Harley
Hawkeye Ibby
Milo Jessie
Morrisc Khloe
Ricky Maisy
Rocky Misty
Rufus Noel
Shadow Paris
Tank Star
Bailey Sydney
Tommy Coconut
Violet Kiwi
Wiz Charlie


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